Kai Nham smiles with a green background.
Photo credit: Shin Huang

Hi, I’m Kai.

My pronouns are he/they. As a queer and trans Chinese-Vietnamese son of a refugee from Vietnam and immigrant from Hong Kong, I am deeply interested and committed to how our communities can imagine and build new worlds for ourselves. Currently, I am a third year Ph.D. student at UCLA’s Department of Information Studies, where I am advised by Professor Michelle Caswell. My current research interests include how information infrastructures help build and maintain trans of color care webs, as well as the development of grassroots and community-based interventions and technologies to resist violence and build new futures.

I received my Master of Information and Data Science from University of California – Berkeley’s School of Information and my B.A. in Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies from University of California – Berkeley.

Follow me at @kaichak3.